I'm fine thank you and yuu ?

U met Q at El Jardin del Paraiso.

I had arrived the garden too early. It was the day of performance by Aki Onda. Before it began, I took an alone ramble through the other community gardens. Each garden has its own character. In texture of ground, kinds of plants, taste of sculptures, how to sit for calm, what like a roof over your head. Gathering for a poetry events, or Reading a book alone. About La Plaza Cultural, is on the west side of an intersection, so the daylight falls on the center of plaza to spreads out over the garden. About Green Oasis, is located at the inner part of the Lower East Side and surrounded by buildings on three sides. Comfortably dark, the busy sounds of Manhattan can be heard from very far away. You can find the smoke at the far end of the garden. They also have community brick oven. You can feel like you are in deep in a forest where witches live.

I arrived at El Jardin del Paraiso 30 minutes early than the performance, that was the site of the performance. But I heard something sounded like something already started. I entered and found the 6 or 7 dancing under the an arbor. It felt the kind of Latin music, just like Jackson Heights where I live in. Yes, I was sure it was not the work of Onda. A Man came to closer me and I asked him what are you all celebrating today? But he looked at my camera and spoke me “What are you…! Taking picture?” ” Stop it!” “Some people doesn’t like it!” And an old lady said “Take it, take take!” He said “No mom! No!” “Take take take ok ok!” “No! No, mom!” I felt… oh cause by my bad… I was worried they would fight, but he suddenly asked me that “Do you like beer?” Wha? Whoah… Yes. Totally, he gave me beer and salami. And we enjoyed dancing and chatting together. I asked to Qiu, the guy who had spoken me first. “What are you celebrating today?” He answered “We are celebrating for just we alive.” At the table in the arbor, people enjoying dominó. Most of who gathered today had moved from came from Puerto Rico, Qiu told me, and not related by blood, but like a family. “The Chinese are very good at dominó…” Grandma said to me. “Sorry, Yuu is Japanese.” Qiu said and kiss grandma.

Phew… I already had written too much other than about Aki Onda today… okok. I’ll write more later!

Jun. 18, 2022