The day after Supermoon.
QNR is located nearby the mosque. Today Mohhamed show me mosque’s garden. His son tried to let me cuddle কুমড়া. কুমড়া is a cat who lives in mosque. You can pronounced it Kumla, it means pumpkin in English. Christine calls him Ginger, Steve calls him Kitty. Kumla has a lot of name but I prefer to call Kumla. Anyway, Kumla dashed away from us. It was so close!
I met Pri, too. Suuny’s friend. Pri told me Pri works as a freelance chef and today will make ice cream from huacatay. Cool. I think Huacatay is so loved in this garden. Kumla also often sleep under the huacatay.
I asked Omar how was yesterday super moon. He said he forgot and missed it. But we found the first tomato which is turning red a little in this garden. I can say it was something like super tomato for us.
On the way home I felt I couldn’t back home. Was it caused by heatstroke? I took refuge in a triangle square and sat on the ground. At that moment, there were many Muslim men around me, I felt somewhat reassuring. Mai came to pick me up. I appreciate you, Mai.
Jul. 14, 2022