I'm fine thank you and yuu ?

Umbrellas putting out to dry in the hallway.

I bought it yesterday in front of MoMA when I left there. Recently, it has been raining. It was so irritate me. I was getting frustrated. At evening, we make our bed with laundered bed sheets. Mai said happily “No static shock, so nice day!” Oh… Mai was so great I felt I should follow her.

I research about a painting yesterday I saw at MoMA. It was titled “Green Tea” by Leonora Carrington. It sounds like a song title by Awkwafina. This painting has a lot of creepy things over and under the ground. I saw this picture and intuit it is super important to me. I read that she was born in British, with many things happened in France and Spain, came to NY and arrived in Mexico. It’s funny that you can read it on her page of wikipedia that many bad things of Max Ernst more than on his page. Anyway, she started spending most of her life in Mexico. For the day she to be dead. Even though the most of surrealists who came from France like Ernst absquatulates to France again after world war.

Did You notice? I wanted to use such a crazy word “absquatulate” that I learned from Steig’s crazy ABC book: I wrote about it in the May 5 diary.

Carrington is the last surviving participants in the surrealist movement of the 1930s. In the 70s, she was one founding member of women’s liberation movement. Remedios Varo also move to Mexico from Spain. Her paintings are also super cool. I have never known about them for this time.

May. 07, 2022