I'm fine thank you and yuu ?

“SNAUX” by Laurie Anderson, “PLAY WORK BUILD” by Rockwell Group.

The small one is printed in black and white, “SNAUX” what is based on Laurie Anderson’s new installation at the Hirshhorn. She had drew all over the room so many pictures and stories. High spirits! And more smaller book is “PLAY WORK BUILD” what is collection of essays about the same titled exhibition at The National Building Museum.

It was so great. I am so happy to experienced their exhibits physically. In simply, there were a lot of blue and huge blocks. That’s it, actually. As I just visited there, these were compactly stacked up and in the light of day coming through the window. Not bad. After a while, kids visited there and made it more disordered and more creative situation. This is “Imagination Playground” by Rockwell Group what was the most important exhibit in this exhibition. The kids looked the blocks and ran up to them. Someones cuddle it, someones try to jump over it. As if they understood all over in advance, just start something with the blocks immediately. When the kids play with these blocks, the ratio between them is almost like that of Minecraft.

Jun. 06, 2022