I'm fine thank you and yuu ?

Yitian gave us a special presentation about her works.

We moved to La plaza cultural from the library. It was a lovely space, although there were many many mosquitoes, so it was better that way. I thought that situation was suit to Ytian’s works and helping me to understand about her work.

We sat down the bench under the grapesvines shade. The sun was very strong and hot. A spider was walking on a transparent thread as looks on the air. I also could meet some kind of insects in Yitian portfolio. Dragon flies, Spiders and more had stop by her work silently. And Yitian has been trying to hear that faint sounds. In short, she is trying to hear the sound of a dragonfly perching or spider walking! She were also working on brighten red, very drastic political issues. These are look stand out so much. It seems you would guess her works are extreme or violent. But also her works have subtle and delicate parts a lot. It goes both well.

Finally, she showed us the conical figure which was on her chest like a necklace. It’s made of very very thin metal. She told us it can contain snow! And it can hear the sound it melting. The drop will come from small hole at the apex to the ground.

To the end of the presentation, it was cool and comfortable under the grapevines. But we found ourself were turned red from mosquito bites.

Jul. 28, 2022

  • ???? Nov. 16, 2022 at 7:35 AM

    so beautiful…

  • yuu Nov. 19, 2022 at 11:28 AM

    I love Yitian's work so much