Pursuing a bird in Phoenix.
We went Old Town in Phoenix. There were many souvenir shops, so I looked for a quail item. But all I found were cactus items. As a matter of fact, I’ve been looking for wild quail ever since I came to Arizona. Finally, I found a quail in the snowglobe without any snow but the sand. In Arizona, there is a specific species of quail called Gambel’s Quail. Which has slight difference from the quails in California.
The lady at that souvenir shop gave us bottles of water. She said she was going to Japan next year. We chatted about places in Kyoto and Tokyo. It was a peaceful store.
After we got home, Mark in an interesting T-shirt showed us his collection. When touch the vintage revolver, Mai looked really exicited…
The sun went down. Can I see quails in the wild here? There was no feeling of quails in Old Town. At night, I went out the poolside again. The rabbits came tonight too but not quails.
Aug. 24, 2022